August 14, 2020

 Dear Road Church Friends

 Blessings to each and every one of you.

 So far we have had two in-person Sunday morning services and they have gone very well. I am purposely keeping the service brief to minimize the risk associated with indoor meetings, and because this time of year the Sanctuary begins to get uncomfortably warm after 10 am. Also, we have learned that open windows let in a lot of road noise that is picked up by the microphone on the video camera, and becomes a distraction for those who watch the service from home. My priority is that conditions are optimal in the sanctuary for viewing the service at home, and those of us in the Sanctuary are safe and comfortable. If you are watching at home please make a comment. It generates interest and helps build a larger audience which gives our church a larger online presence.

If you have not yet attended an in-person service, and would like to give it a try, call me on my cell and I will answer any questions you may have, and if you wish, reserve one of the dozen designated pews for you.

The Scripture reading for this week is Matthew 15:10-28. I will share my thoughts about Jesus’ encounter with a Canaanite mother who asked him to heal her suffering daughter. First he ignored her. When she persisted he replied with a resounding “No.” This is quite out of character. He had never done that before with anyone who approached him asking for help. What’s the abiding lesson for us hidden deep within that story?

Listen at home Sunday afternoon or make a reservation to join us at 10 am in our Sanctuary.

 My best wishes to you all,

 Pastor Norm 860-759-6720 YouTube sermon: “She Persisted”