October 9, 2021

Dear Road Church Family,

I often thank God for the Gospel of Luke because of its many beautiful stories. I’ve always had my favorites like “The Good Samaritan” and “The Prodigal Son,” but over time I keep adding others to my list of favorites. A recent addition is, “The King’s Great Dinner Party” in Luke 14:15-24. Jesus told it to a dining hall full of influential Pharisees who had included Jesus’ name on the exclusive guest list, not because they admired him, but because they hoped to discredit and humiliate him. This was a fascinating setting for the telling of this parable. Jesus succeeded in turning the tables on them, and at the end of the evening the host and his guests were the ones who were humiliated. But this story has much to say to the Church today. My Sunday morning message will be, “God’s Dinner Party.” Join us in the Sanctuary at 10 am, or watch later on our Facebook Page.

      SCRIPTURE:  Luke 14:1, 15-23        SERMON TITLE: God’s Dinner Party

     Once Jesus was invited to a Sabbath day dinner party at the house of a prominent Pharisee, and all the guests were watching him closely. One of the dinner guests said to him, “Blessed is anyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!” Then Jesus said to him, “Someone gave a great dinner and invited many. When the time came he sent his messengers to tell those who had been invited that everything is ready. But they all made excuses. The first said to him, ‘I have bought a piece of land, and I must go out and see it; please accept my regrets.’ Another said, ‘I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I am going to try them out; please accept my regrets.’ Another said, ‘I have just been married, and therefore I cannot come.’ So the messengers returned and reported their excuses to the Host. So he said, ‘Go out into the streets and lanes of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.’ Later the messengers reported back, ‘Sir, what you ordered has been done, and there is still room.’ Then he said, ‘Go farther out into the roads and lanes, and compel people to come in, so that my house may be filled.”


Columba’s never knew that he had won undying fame,

Nor that a thousand places would pay tribute to his name.

Like many men he could not see that failure only seems

The sad conclusion of good work, the end of cherished dreams.

Time gave his life a just reward, his earnest efforts brought

Acclaim for reaching greater goals than any he had sought.

by Gail Brook Burket

     Blessings to all.  May the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

             Pastor Norm

Pastor Norm’s message can be found on FACEBOOK at: https://fb.watch/8yUCDwj5eY/