The Road Church Executive and Deacon Boards together with Pastor Norm have agreed that the time is right to resume our in-person Sunday morning worship service.  We feel it is time to reclaim our sanctuary as our sacred space to worship God. Our first in person service will be August 2, 2020 at 10:00 am.  Each week we will carefully observe the Connecticut State guidelines for public gatherings during this pandemic.

 If you do not wish to attend the “in-person” service you will still be able to watch this service in your home on our Facebook page or website Sunday afternoon.

If you do not feel well you should not attend this service.

All attendees must make an advance reservation. Making a reservation is also an acceptance of our rules and procedures. The rules and procedures governing our Sunday worship service are as follows:

1.   All of us will be required to wear a mask during the shortened service of 30 minutes. Please bring your own mask. We will provide masks for anyone who comes to the service without one.

2.   We will practice social distancing. Seating will be clearly marked to assure that we maintain proper social distancing.

3.   Fifteen pews have been designated for use which will allow separation of at least six feet. Seating will be limited to one person or family per pew.

4.   Please call in advance to reserve your pew. Pews will be assigned in the order in which reservations are received. After 15 pews have been reserved no more reservations will be taken.

5.   We ask that you practice social distancing as you arrive and wait outside to be escorted to your seat.

6.   Collection plates will be located at the entry and exits in the sanctuary. Hand sanitizer will also be located at the entry and exit.

7.   There will be no choir and we will not be singing during this service. There will be live piano and organ music to enjoy. We have removed all hymnals and pew bibles. You may bring your own Bible if you wish.

8.   After the service, worshipers will be escorted from the sanctuary one pew at a time by an usher.

How to make a Reservation:  Call Pastor Norm at 860-759-6720. He will take your name and the name of anyone else who is coming with you.

 Our in person worship service will include: an opening musical meditation, a call to worship, prayer of invocation, special music selection, Scripture reading, pastor’s message, benediction.

 Blessing to all,

Pastor Norm Erlendson