July 10, 2021

Dear Road Church Members and Friends,

This week’s message is about the story of Peter’s visit to the house of Cornelius. It tells how the Church was transformed from an exclusive community of insiders, into an inclusive community where there are no outsiders. Acts 2 describes Pentecost was a seismic event,—a day of wind and fire that created the Church. In Acts 10 Peter described the conversion of Cornelius and his household as a second Pentecost. He said to his companions, “God has poured out his Spirit on this household of foreigners just as he did on us!” Peter’s vision of the church and its ministry was enlarged as his sense of Jesus’ Lordship was deepened. May the Lord enlarge the borders of our ministry.

SCRIPTURE: Excerpts from: ACTS 10:34 - 11:18 Sermon Title: PENTECOST 2.0

Peter said: “I’ve learned that God does not have a favorite nation or people. God embraces any godly person seeking him. You’ve heard how God sent Jesus of Nazareth to the people of Israel, preaching peace, and how he anointed him with the Holy Spirit, and empowered him to go about healing people and doing good…

Peter was unexpectedly interrupted when the Holy Spirit took possession of those who were listening to him. When Peter and those who came with him heard them speaking in tongues and extolling God, they were astounded that God’s Spirit had been poured out on Gentiles. Then Peter said to his Jewish companions, “Would any of you object if I baptize these people seeing they have received the Holy Spirit the same as we have?” So they were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then Cornelius invited Peter and his friends to be his guests for several days.

It wasn’t long before the Christians in Judea heard what had happened. So when Peter returned to Jerusalem, the church was in an uproar, saying, “Why have you baptized uncircumcised men and broken bread with them?” Then Peter explained what happened step by step. [He concluded by saying]…If God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed, who was I that I could hinder God?” When they heard this, they were silenced. And they praised God, saying, “Then God has given even to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.”


There’s a wideness in God’s mercy,

Like the wideness of the sea;

There’s a kindness in his justice,

Which is more than liberty.

For the love of God is broader

Than the measure of man’s mind;

And the heart of the Eternal

Is most wonderfully kind.

by Frederick W. Faber

Blessings to all, Pastor Norm

Sunday morning’s sermon on our FACEBOOK page: https://fb.watch/6GZeyWFPBx/