July 18, 2020

Greetings Road Church Friends.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

My message this week is a reflection on the question Jesus was asked by Pilate, “what is truth?” It was asked in response to Jesus’ statement that his mission and purpose was to testify to the truth. Pilate seemed doubtful that there is such a thing as truth. You can read about this exchange between Jesus and Pilate in John 18:33-38. Jesus didn’t have a chance to respond, but the Gospel of John was written to give us what Jesus had to say about truth. What he said gives us a lot to think about. Most surprising is he didn’t define truth as a list of propositions to be believed. Instead he said that truth is a way of life based on his example. “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” John 14:6. Jesus personifies truth. He came from the Father to show the world what a life fully devoted to love looks like. Not just any love, but the love that God has for the world. It’s not just something to believe, but something to live every day. Love is the Christian Way of life. Jesus wants us who follow him to become the truth just as he was, the Way, the Truth and the Life. That’s a tall order, but it’s what the Spirit of truth enables us to do.

Truth according to Jesus is all inclusive. Truth brings us together. It is a unifying state of being. Truth transcends all partisan divisions based on nationality, ethnicity, race, social status, or religion. Through the lens of unconditional love God sees the whole of humanity as his new creation in Christ. May the Spirit of truth continue to have its way with us.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Norm normerlendson@gmail.com 860-759-6720

Message for July 19, 2020 “The Truth About Truth” YouTube: https://youtu.be/GB0vo6xxWx4