February 12, 2022

 Dear Road Church Friends,

      The message this Sunday is on the most important and memorable things that Jesus ever said. Join us at 10 am, or later in the day watch the video on our Facebook page or Website.

SERMON:  There’s No Place Like Home

SCRIPTURE READING:  Luke 6:20-26 (my translation)

Cheer up, You who are destitute, because God’s kingdom is about helping you.

Cheer up, You who are hungry now, because God’s kingdom is about feeding you.

Cheer up, You who are weeping now, because God’s kingdom is about giving you reasons to laugh out loud.

Cheer up, You who are hated, reviled and defamed because you side with me. Go ahead and jump for joy because the kingdom of heaven sides with you. Those who mistreat you are just like those who mistreated the prophets.  

But, Watch out you who are rich now, to whom the homeless poor are invisible, you will get what’s coming to you. One day your life of ease will end.

Watch out you who are well fed now while others go hungry. One day you will get what’s coming to to you. Then you will learn what it’s like to go hungry.

Watch out you who laugh and celebrate now while others mourn and weep. One day you will get what’s coming to you. Then God will give you reasons to mourn and weep.

Watch out you who profit from spreading lies. One day you will get what’s coming to you like all false prophets.


A house is built of log and stone,

Of tiles and posts and piers;

A home is built of loving deeds

That stand a thousand years.

by Victor Hugo


       Lord Jesus, just as you were pleased to relax in the homes of both rich and poor,

tax collectors and sinners, friends and foes alike,—abide in our homes too.

We pray that our church would be a spiritual home away from home, where we meet together to sing, to pray and share in all good things. May it be a place where your presence is felt, where your word is heard, and your purposes worked out. May it’s doors always be open to strangers, offering rest to weary travelers, provisions for the needy and the warmth of home to the homeless.

 Blessings to all,

Pastor Norm

Our morning worship service on YouTube: https://youtu.be/r817J75Fr3w