May 29, 2021

Dear Road Church Members and Friends,

Memorial Day weekend affords an opportunity to pause and remember all those who have given their lives in service to our country,—to all those who have given, as President Lincoln said, “the last full measure of devotion.” We also express thanks for them to Almighty God.  Those fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters are heroes.  We honor our fallen fellow citizens by renewing our commitment to the sacred principles of equality, liberty and justice for which they gave their all.  Let us be living memorials to them, by living in a spirit of gratitude for their sacrifice each and every day.

The Sunday sermon continues our exploration of the meaning of Pentecost and the lessons it holds for the modern church. In these days of declining church influence and attendance, it behooves us to look prayerfully at those activities to which the early Church was devoted and thrived as a result.  

               SCRIPTURE:  ACTS 2:40-47        SERMON:  “FOOTPRINTS OF JESUS”

Peter pleaded with the crowd saying, “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation!” About three thousand people believed and were baptized that day, and the Lord added daily to their number. They devoted themselves to learning from the Apostles, to participating in the activities of their new fellowship,—to eating and communing together, and to praying for each other. Those were awesome days, because the apostles were able to do amazing things. They were a tight knit community that held everything in common. Whenever a need arose they would sell their possessions and distribute the proceeds to meet that need. Day after day they spent much time together in the temple. In their homes they praised God and ate their meals with hearts overflowing with happiness. And, all their neighbors thought highly of them.


And Mary stood beside the cross! Her soul

Pierced with the selfsame wound that rent his side

Who hung thereon. She watched him as he died.

Her son! Saw him paying the cruel toll

Exacted by the law and unbelief,

Since he their evil will had dared defy.

There stood the mother helpless in her grief,

Beside the cross, and saw her firstborn die!

How many mothers in how many lands

Have bowed with Mary in her agony,

In silence borne the wrath of war’s commands,

When every hill is made a Calvary!

O pity, Lord, those mothers of the slain,

And grant their dead shall not have died in vain.

by Clyde McGee

     The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you.

Pastor Norm

May 30, 2021 Road Church MEMORIAL DAY -Pastor Norm’s message only on Facebook: