October 2, 2020

 Dear Road Church Friends,

Grace, Peace and Blessings to All,

This Sunday, October 4th is World Communion Sunday. It is an annual observance that celebrates the bond of faith that ties the global Christian community together. It began in 1933 in Philadelphia and continued to grow in popularity until it truly became a worldwide event. Churches who participate are declaring their commitment to Christian unity and brotherhood and respect our diversity. It is a reminder that unity is our highest ideal, and that Jesus’ final great prayer in John 17 was that his disciples might be one united body just as Jesus and God the Father are one in mind and purpose.

The title of my message for World Communion Sunday will be, “Holy Ground”.  Scripture readings for this lesson are the story of Jesus’ dialogue with a Samaritan woman in John 4:1-42, and Paul’s description of Christians as ambassadors of God and ministers of reconciliation to the world, 2 Corinthians 5:16-20.

My message will stress the importance of reconciliation between people, and how reconciliation creates Holy Ground on which we can live in peace with one another. It will also serve as a communion meditation. In this time of pandemic we have been unable to share communion in person. So I invite each of you to observe communion in your homes at your convenience remembering our Lord who died to reconcile us to God and to one another. Remember also our brothers and sisters around the world who share our faith in Christ. We are all family.

God bless us in His service,

 Pastor Norm Erlendson normerlendson@gmail.com 860-759-6720

Our worship service on YouTube: No YouTube video this week. Only on Facebook