January 11, 2020

1st Congregational Church of Stonington “Road Church”, CT

Pastor: Reverend Norm Erlendson

Seminar: Strategic Planning Envisioning the Future – Meeting #1  Notes


Start Time: 10:11am

Attendance: 20

Facilitator: Rev. Dr.  Irven A. Gammon, Executive Director of the Fellowship of Northeast Congregational Christian Churches

Opening Prayer: Pastor Norm

Flip Chart Note Recorder: Barbara Erlendson

General Note Recorder: Brenda Gammon


Meeting opened with Rev. Gammon noting that he wanted to encourage a joyful and creative atmosphere.



Welcoming - we are an ecumenical church where all are welcome.

Family oriented – we are family friendly but currently have no Sunday school.

Traditional/Historical – worship services include traditional music and hymns with a            choir in a traditional New England 200 year old sanctuary.

Self-Governing - free to chart our own course

Country setting - beautiful sanctuary in a historic country setting.

Adaptable – we try to stay relevant.

Solvent – we have the financial means to maintain and improve our property, as well as to underwrite the cost of new ministries that are deemed important and necessary.

Embraces Outreach - we are active as volunteers in our community – Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center, Warm Center, Reliant Health.

Nurturing – members are taken care of, prayed for, and missed when not present.

Small but Mighty – we are small in numbers but we do a lot for our members and our community.



Our Annual Chowder Festival and Tag Sale is a big hit in the community. We have been doing it for many years, and we do it well.  

Funerals/ Memorials services are extended to community members outside the church regularly.

Warm and Welcoming – people see us as welcoming and friendly.

Oldest Church in this part of the State – we are widely known as the church built by the founding settlers of Stonington. This draws tourists and curious visitors. We have an opportunity here to bring more people on our property.



Are we too quiet about ourselves?   We could be more vocal about who we are and what we are about. The best advertising is word of mouth from friend to friend. i.e. Barbara Erlendson spoke highly of our church to a friend. The friend sent a donation to the church in memory of Barbara’s mom.



We have a full time Pastor.  We have not had a full time pastor for over 20 years. We stepped out in faith to hire a full time pastor because we believed that was an important part of growing our church spiritually and numerically.

Are we stepping up to be a fully engaged church? We must avoid being caught between supporting a full time pastor and being church members who have a part time attitude.

Social Media - We have set up Facebook account and a brand new church website. These are valuable new tools for outreach.




1)    Share the good news and positive reports to your friends about our church.

2)    Be an example of a faithful, active member.

3)    Let us continue to care for one another.

4)    Let’s build on our historical sanctuary and property to bring more people to us to learn who we are.

5)    Continue our support and involvement in local non-profits.

6)    Continue to complete & update our 2020 church pictorial directory.

7)    Develop a church logo (BRAND ourselves)

8)    Prepare for our next “Vision for Our Future” meeting on February 8th at 10 am “Where Do We Want to Go?”  by reading and reflecting on these meeting notes.




2020 February 8 “Road Church” Strategic Planning Workshop Notes


February 8, 2020

1st Congregational Church of Stonington “Road Church”, CT

Pastor: Reverend Norm Erlendson

Seminar: Strategic Planning Envisioning the Future – Meeting #2  Notes


Start Time: 10:08am

Attendance: 18 members

Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Irven A. Gammon, Executive Director of the Fellowship of Northeast Congregational Christian Churches

Opening Prayer: Pastor Norm

Flip Chart Note Recorder: Barbara Erlendson

General Note Recorder: Brenda Gammon


QUESTION OF THE DAY: Where do we want to go?

Rev Irv briefly reviewed the material and responses of the previous workshop’s focus, “Who are we?  Where are we?”  The flip chart work of January 11th was positioned on the wall to use in the current workshop.

Discussion focus of the day: Mission and Vision Statements

· Mission and Vision is not the same.  A church mission statement is why you exist.  The vision statement is where you are going.  

o Your mission is is an expression of strategic intent.  It summarizes and provides  the church with its biblical task, and it defines the results it seeks to obtain. The mission statement does not change.

o Your vision should compel people to join and participate.  It paints a picture of the future you want to create.  A good vision statement should be an extension of the leadership’s passions and convictions.  Vision statements change with time and cultural shifts.   

o Rev Irv noted that the Road Church web page speaks of missions of the church (church outreach into the community).  However, this is not specifically the mission.

Example: Do you know the organization?

Mission statement: “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.

Purpose/ Vision: To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow.

Mission is the purpose of the church.  It sets a church’s destination, answering the questions…

o What are we supposed to be doing?  And, why are we doing it?  

o What is the primary thing that God has called us to accomplish?  

o What are we attempting to do for God and for our people?


· Mission Statement: Questions to consider while developing:

o What is our church supposed to be doing?

o Who will we serve, and how will we serve these people?

o Can we articulate our mission in a written statement?

o What word might communicate best within our particular community?

o Do people understand what we have written?

o Is the statement broad enough?

o Is the statement clear?

o Is the statement brief and simple to remember?

o Does it pass the t-shirt test?  Will it fit on a bumper sticker?

o Is our mission memorable?

· Mission statement format: The mission of the Road Church is to ….

· Ideas/ thoughts of attendees’ present:

o Show the love

o To bring people to God and bring God to the people

o To be the host and not the guest

o Be a hospitable, helpful, hopeful, happy church

o To understand and share Jesus’ message bring hope to the world

o To spread the good news by doing good work

o Be a light in the window of the kingdom of God

o To love each other

o A place of love, acceptance, forgiveness and service

o To do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8)

o To persist until we thrive by becoming relevant to more people

o To be led by Jesus and lead others to Jesus

Ideas were presented, debated, reconsidered, chewed on, etc. for a lengthy bit of time.  Overall, the discussion appeared to return time and time again to “Show the Love.”  One member noted that the adoption of this mission statement was very bold and would require a huge commitment to “show the love” always which is not always easy with some people.  

Vision is a clear, challenging, hope-filled picture from the heart of the future of your ministry, as you believe that it can and must be.  Effective leaders keep their vision front and center as they guide their church.

· Vision Statement: Vision answers the questions:

o What does God want to accomplish through us?

o What will our ministry look like to accomplish God’s purposes?

· The importance of Vision:

o Encourages unity

o Creates energy

o Provides purpose

o Fosters risk-taking

o Enhances leadership

o Promotes excellence

o Sustains ministry

· Questions to ask and consider while developing:

o How can the church leadership become hopeful and visionary?

o What kind of church do we want to be?

o What is God’s preferred future of our church?

o Where do we sense God is leading us?

o What will our church look like in 3 to 5 years from now?

o What new things do we intend to pursue?

o Does our vision statement provide a powerful picture of what our church will look like in 3 to 5 years?

o Does our vision statement clarify the direction in which our church needs to move?

o Is our vision statement worded in language that inspires and engages people?

Clarification of mission statement versus the vision statement.

o A church mission statement is why you exist.  

o The vision statement is where you are going.  Vision clarifies the how to get there.  


· Vision statement ideas: Briefly… from members (running out of time)

o Be open full time with a full-time minister

o Be a viable congregation

o Double the membership …. What time period?

o Identify ourselves in outreach

o Become a “go-to” place … i.e. weddings

o Connect with the Chamber of Commerce – welcome packet to local visitors

o Be a connected and well attended church

o Meet community needs

o Develop small ministries

o Share mission moments regularly in church

o Create logo and t-shirt design… where them to promote the church

o Capitalize on the 350th celebration of the church

Other thoughts:

· Importance of promotion of the church

· Developing the logo

· Include the Mission statement on written communication

· Know the Mission by heart

· Clearly articulate the Mission when engaged in ministry, i.e. serving the community

· Potential to create t-shirts with the Mission statement and a logo

· It is important to have a vision with goals.  How will you measure your success?

Action Items:

- Logo!  

- Mission statement “Show the Love”  Does it work for you?  

- Envision the future  What do you want to tell the community about you?

- Reflect on meeting notes!  

- Strategize the “how to do it”?

- Pray!  

- Come to the next meeting on March 7th.